Archive for the ‘search engine’ Category

Just because you have a LinkedIn profile doesn’t mean your personal branding and visibility efforts are complete, however, you’re off to a great start! A great start because of LinkedIn’s 380 million strong membership base, visibility, ease-of-use and maybe the most important reason: the embedded search features that facilitate your discoverability. Having a completed profile and professional headshot on LinkedIn is a giant step toward bridging the gap between your “virtual” or online presence and your offline persona. However, the important question is this: What is your discoverability quotient?

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If you’re like many people, you’re probably on Facebook , TwitterGoogle+ (really?), PinterestInstagram and a handful of other networking-related sites. You may not be as active as some people you know, but odds are you’ve at least set up a profile to see what all the noise is about. If you are reasonably active, you may have created a Klout account to measure your so-called “social influence” or even uploaded your headshot to Gravatar and registered on Google Profiles to make yourself more “discoverable” by search engines like GoogleBing and Yahoo? If you’re really on top of your game, you’ve created a account with GoDaddy and purchased your name as a dot com (or .net, .me, or all of the available extensions).

The truth is, you probably have a little bit of yourself spread around in several different places on the web with the result being a very fragmented digital footprint. Odds are, most of your personal profiles are not as complete as they could be, your information is inconsistent and this lack of a coordinated effort is suppressing your visibility. This makes for something less-than-optimal in terms of results when someone searches for you online. News flash! More people than you might think are searching your name: friends, co-workers, new acquaintances, business associates (before, during or after the meeting), vendors, a prospective employer, a committee member, a recruiter, and so forth and so on. Remember, passive recruiting is rampant today and with the internet being the new first impression, you’ll likely have one just chance to make a quality impression and you should be the best version of your online self. More and more its the first step in meeting someone.

With an ever expanding digital footprint, how do you coordinate your overall presence, improve your search engine discoverability and maximize your personal branding and visibility efforts? The most efficient way to accomplish this is by using one of several personal branding sites to help coordinate and amplify your visibility. BrandYourself and About are two of the more popular platforms. These sites allow you to create a comprehensive profile and once completed, either has the appearance of a personalized website. If you happen to own your name as a dot com, all the better as that adds a high level of personalization.

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Here’s the really cool part––the purpose of these personal branding sites is to link all of your online activities together under a hub and spoke type of approach in order to maximize your visibility with the various search engines. These sites allow you to link all of your online activities and profiles for the purpose of optimizing your visibility. Your discoverability quotient will improve significantly.

Who doesn’t want to be discovered?