How’s Your Online Ego?

Posted: June 28, 2022 in Personal Branding

How is your online ego? it better be good if you want to stand out in the sea of online sameness. You might wear humility well in your face-to-face life but online, being humble just won’t get it done.


The entire professional world is lurking online––searching, parsing and taking advantage of search engine efficiencies offered by the latest technologies to help them find the right person for a myriad of opportunities––social and professional. Face-to-face interaction has mostly been relegated to some later date when one passes the first impression gauntlet in the virtual world.


Are you one of those people that stand out in person but sort of blend into the vast sea of digital sameness that comprises the likes of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter? With the explosion of social media and connections being more plentiful, does anyone outside of your immediate sphere of influence really know that much about you? What type of impression does your profile leave with a first time viewer? Do you deserve a second look?


Don’t Be So Damned Modest.

The internet is a powerful megaphone and your virtual presence is a phone book, a business card, a resume, a CV, a publicist and your agent, all rolled into one. It represents you on a 24/7 basis and is available to anyone, anywhere in the world. Maybe it’s a old friend checking up on you, a nosy neighbor, a competitor, a business associate, the person you’re meeting with next, a recruiter, a committee member or a whole host of other opportunity givers… and takers.

Press Play.

Tell your own story or leave it to my imagination.

The truth is, the personal and business relationship landscape is changing rapidly and the way we interact with others is making a profound evolution. Person-to-person intimacy and contact continues to give way to the efficiency of online relationships and interactions. Virtual networks are expanding our reach, availability and efficacy and with a little time and effort, we are able to promote our personal marquees around-the-clock with effective placement, high visibility indexes––tagged and key worded for maximum discoverability, all without looking like arrogant self-promoters.


All based on a snap judgment, formed in the instant, without deliberation.

Isn’t it time for your online image to match your offline persona? Seriously.

Stand out––don’t blend in.



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